Sunday, May 3, 2009

people i miss

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n my girlfriend due to some reasons she doesnt let me put her pic

cuz apparently she said she looks to indecent n not good enuf. pfft

but weell i love these people to death n her too

i miss my grampa n gramma too

n aunt jo

unc dan n liz n dkids…. –.-

miss u guys already

pics of my life recently since my first week in langkawi.


my room. =)


at the pier 

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rented a car. =)


off we go to the hangar. =)


the diamond 40 single engine


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the diamond 42 twin engine

sigh. this is the motherload.



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my version of the 4whell drive

the tobago socata tb10



during my extended physical training 10 k run. =)

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the path at the pier.

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thomas, me, isaac, shisuke, and kenndaeson

the runners =)


the small white building on the right is our building

we jogged all the way here for the view in the middle of the sea

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u spot it?


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thsi is wat happens when u after exercising

n u feel good bout ur self.

you camwhore

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alex, ex banker, 25yo. looking for a fuck buddy

in  short fubu

hes words are make love not sex.


mr brunei clinton doin his laundry



my roommate

my gym instructor 26 yo

nice guy




hann the photographer

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tax free kfc

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jetty point

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lookout point


my bro the opera singer

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tjg rhu wonderful place.

no time to explain. =)


my roomie sleeping already

till then nyts