Monday, March 9, 2009

i see the rainbow.. but colors where art thou?

amidst the superficial beauty we lie in

there’s always the dark side

a silver lining of hopeless hope

a black rose of despair


amidst the cherubic face of happiness

there paint a picture of doom and gloom

of sad depressed broken soul

like plethora of cars

with no one in it


like our body of emptiness

where art thou?

thy joyful soul…


amidst all these imperfections

lie the wholesome perfection

something called life


and this is my life.


if we think we all lead different lives

if we think we all are different

if we think that we are the only ones dysfunctioning

to this dysfunctionality

if we think we know ourselves


we really need to remind ourselves

by crashing

crashing into other peoples lives






there we go

we are not different than any other

we are the same

amidst the cheerful glee we fake

amidst the perfections we subscribe to

we are dysfunctional after all

we all shed tears of despair

tears of sorrow

we all crash and find out


we are the same beings that

go thru the same thing

called life


moving at the speed of life

we are bound to collide with each other

my life your life our lives


i see the rainbow


where art thou colors?












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